You have several options if you are going by air.
The nearest airport to the villa is approx Carcassonne airport which is approx 1 hour, or 60km away by car. This airport is well serviced by Ryanair flying to 10 destinations including Bournemouth, Brussels, Cork, Cagliari (Sardinia, Italy), Dublin, East Midlands, Ediburgh, London, Manchester and Porto.
Toulouse-Blagnac International Airport is approx 1hr 45mins away, or 127km by car. This airport is serviced by many European airlines. Click here for a full list of airlines and destinations.
Fancy a seafaring adventure? There’s several options to travel by ferry to mainland France and drive to the villa.
These will be updated very soon, check back in!
Travelling by train is a wonderful way to take in the French countryside. Although Puivert doesn’t have a train station, there are good rail links to Carcassonne and Limoux, and a great bus service operated by LIO from Carcassonne to Quillan.
You will need a car when staying in Chez Montagnes as there are no supermarkets, restaurants or bars within walking distance. But here’s some public transport links to get you most of the way here!
More information about trains in Occitanie here.
LIO Bus website to Quillan.